"Bearing the fruit of the Gospel"
Luke 13:6-9

"We can understand the purposes of the church in terms of ministry to God, ministry to believers, and ministry to the world."
Wayne Grudem
Purpose and Culture
Our mission at Bethany Baptist Church is to bear the fruit of the gospel through proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. This is done by standing on the rock-solid authority of God's inerrant and infallible Word.Â
Through the dedication of our welcoming members, we create a community where fellowship is encouraged and Jesus Christ is exalted above all. Just as the gospel message is made available to all, Bethany Baptist Church will welcome anyone desiring to have a closer relationship with God.

"Each believer has a different gift, and God has bestowed these gifts so the local body can grow."
Warren Wiersbe

"We should realize that God does all of this mighty work [of redemption] on our behalf for His own sake, for His own glory. We were created for His glory and redeemed to praise His glory."